Friday, November 6, 2009

What will happen to the DEMOCRAT who hacked into Sarah Palin's email account? What would Dems say if a ...?

Republican hacked into Barack Obama's email account?

What will happen to the DEMOCRAT who hacked into Sarah Palin's email account? What would Dems say if a ...?
It was just a 20 year old kid, not the head of the DNC! If a Repubican did the same thing, he'd get the same penalty.
Reply:I guess it depends if it were an organized effort like what Nixon pulled at Watergate or what the Republicans pulled in 2000 and 2004 or whether it was a lone college student hacking for fun, as it was in this case.

I guess it does makes one wonder if she is ready for the big leagues. If she cannot secure her yahoo account with a secure password, how well will she protect America's secrets.

BTW: aren't you at all concerned that the whole reason she had the yahoo account is so that she could hide criminal activity from public disclosure?

UPdate: I didn;t think it bothered you.

One could also use the line that McCain and Bush used when the government was caught illegally spying on its citizens. If she has nothing to hide, what's the problem? I don't agree with that idea, but the RNC and all of its supporters do.
Reply:The "alleged" hacker's father is only State representative so the fall out will not really effect him that much except for the fact that his son may wind up in jail. Of course if it was Republican that did it the news would be a frenzy with Big Brother and Watergate scenarios but since it wasn't it will be yesterday's news for the most part.
Reply:More importantly, note what he said: "There was nothing in there, nothing, that can be used against her. I was disappointed; that is why I did it." This speaks more to the character of Palin than just about anything. I wonder what we would find in the private emails of Barack and Michelle Obama?
Reply:Ah, how quickly we forget! Only a few months ago, someone hacked into the passport records at the State Department of Clinton, Obama, and McCain. How come you're not exercised over that?
Reply:The same thing that would happen to anyone who was caught hacking into someone's personal email account, regardless of their political persuasion.

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