Saturday, October 24, 2009

I need urgent email help,email hacked and cant change password.?

I am seriously considering taking Yahoo! to court over this, my yahoo! account was hacked and I can in no way retrieve the password, When I put in my date of birth it says it is invalid, When I use the alternate email and go to the password change, every password I use does not meet the format even when i try simply things like "abcdefg123" and passwords THAT DO MEET THE FORMAT REQUIRED. I need this account to sign onto my other accounts that I have spent money on, and because of yahoo's "excellent service" I can't get into my email account despite the fact I have proof that it is my account, Both knowing what groups it is subscribed to, it's alternate email, and it's password before the hacker changed it. Yet the service still thinks I cant POSSIBLY be able to be the true owner of the account because I can't match the birth date. is there a different way I can access my email? I wouldn't be having this problem if I could change the emails on my other accounts but GOLLY GEE WIZ, Those ones have been hacked to BECAUSE THERE ALL SIGNED UP TO THE SAME EMAIL.

I need urgent email help,email hacked and cant change password.?
First of all, you can't take Yahoo to court, well you could but you won't win. It is taking a chance being on an unsecured network and it plainly says so or being on the internet at all for that matter. It is at your own risk, unfortunately. I can only tell you that I had a breech of security as well and I simply had to delete my old email account and start all over. I did not however, nor would I ever, belong to any "Group" to which spending money, giving my credit card number or any nonsense was involved. So, it was easy to just push a button or two and beginning again. It is a horrible inconvenience and perhaps they will help you if you have emailed the site manager. If nothing else take it as a valuable lesson learned. I knew no to F*** with yahoo from the very beginning of my computer use. It is common knowledge that they are not the best at what they do.

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